A Short Rant on School Reading Break, Non Fiction Books, Corona, and Blog Plans

Hello! It’s been a while.

My reading activity was interrupted by school lol. I stopped reading novels around after midterms. With coronavirus and the workload of distance learning, I decided to focus on school first then I would read more novels in the holidays.

On the bright side, I was forced to read a lot of non fiction books for school work. I read topics such as liberalism and theories on fiction. I read journals to plan out my own research (it was for a final assignment). Because I read a lot of it, I have realized that I uh, sort of, you know, suck at reading them.

I wanted to get the info that I wanted quickly, but non fiction doesn’t work that way. You gotta read it from the first line in the chapter to the period on the last page to understand the whole sitch. When I skim, I usually ended up confused and try to read the whole thing slowly. And then I would end up with an information or two. English is my second language, so me not understanding even just one word in a sentence could spiral into long, mind-breaking confusion. Frustrating, but I have learned my weaknesses. It’s probably me being impatient and not having the proper focus and willpower to pay attention for a long time. I’m going to fix that.

Anyways, it’s the holidays now. Doesn’t feel any different, though. I usually stay in my house and rarely go out, even on holidays. And with quarantine now? I don’t really feel any difference except for tighter rules from my parents on going out and ordering from outside.

The novel that I’m currently reading now is Ned Vizzini’s It’s Kind of A Funny Story and Felix Siauw’s Muhammad Al-Fatih 1453. And here’s my holiday reading list:

  1. It’s Kind of A Funny Story – Ned Vizzini
  2. Muhammad Al Fatih 1453 – Felix Y. Siauw
  3. Untaian Syair Baru tentang Adab Murid dan Guru – Muhammad Ardiansyah
  4. Diary Kehidupan Shahabiyah – Thal’at Muhammad ‘Afifi Salim
  5. Perempuan di Titik Nol (Women at Point Zero) – Nawaal el-Saadawi
  6. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
  7. Mahasiswa, Nasionalisme & Penjara: Perhimpunan Indonesia 1923-1928 (Students, Nationalism & Prison: Perhimpunan Indonesia 1923-1928) – John Ingleson
  8. Cerita dari Digul – Pramoedya Ananta Toer
  9. Dan Hujan Pun Berhenti – Farida Susanty

Here are some ideas of what I would post in the near future. Look forward to it, yeah?

  1. Book spills, reviews of books that I have read
  2. Youtube channel/movie/tv series/webtoons/manga recommendations
  3. Short stories and maybe poetry
  4. Language learning rants
  5. Rants

As my philosophy lecturer would always say: stay healthy, stay safe, may we all survive this situation.


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